
时间:2023-06-07 14:04:56 来源: 作者:
前言: 关于”幸福的看法“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:The view of happiness。以下是关于幸福的看法的中考英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。


关于”幸福的看法“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:The view of happiness。以下是关于幸福的看法的中考英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

关于”幸福的看法“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:The view of happiness。以下是关于幸福的看法的中考英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The view of happiness

In my opinion, the meaning of happiness is that everyone has his own unique ideas. Happiness means health, loving work, parents' health, people I love and people I love. I don't want to be a maid.

I believe that the money I earn is enough to maintain my normal expenditure. The reason is that I don't want to be a slave to money. I don't want to be a constant worry that sometimes it will cause People who are hurt by money never believe everyone.

He knows that my view of happiness is to be an ordinary person and enjoy everything around me, whether they are good or bad, until death comes. I have a happy family. Now, do you want to know, let me tell you that there are four people in my family who are businessmen, but he wants to be a policeman because he thinks it is an exciting job I often like to read newspapers every morning.

My mother is a businessman, but she wants to be a doctor because she thinks it is a good job. Doctors can save people's lives. She is very busy.

She cooks and cleans the house every day. I think she is very tired. She likes watching TV.

My sister is a student. She wants to be a singer because she thinks it is interesting. She likes dancing.

She can dance very well Well, I'm a student. I want to be an actress. I like listening to pop music and reading.

I like my family very much. Well, let me tell you something about my weekend. I have to do a lot of things and I'm very busy on weekends.

So I do my homework in the morning on Saay afternoon. I'm going to do housework with my mother. Because I'm a good girl, I help at home on Sunday morning In the afternoon, I'm going to visit my grandparents with my parents.

We go to the park together. Because there are kite performances, I think my grandparents like to make kites. We can see many beautiful kites there.

We also need to buy some beautiful kites. Then, we will fly new kites. It's very interesting in the evening.

We'll have a big dinner. We'll have fish for dinner Because my grandparents like to eat fish, my grandmother will cook fish very well after dinner, we will watch TV together will be very happy.




The significance of a happy life can be revealed from many aspects. For me, it is something I can pursue and accompany my students' life. My happiness is the ease of school life.

I like to play with my friends, study with my clmates, and get along with them after cl. I often play basketball, do other sports, and spend my spare time with my clmates Singing together always brings me happiness, but the burden of learning often takes up my time to take care of my lovely pet. For the happiness in my dream, a good job is very important.

I hope I can have a house with a garden. When I come back from work, I can see my achievements. I know that I am living for something, pursuing my dream, and My parents share my success and I believe that these are the real happiness.

In order to realize my dream, I will not hesitate to study, I will wait, I believe that the real happiness is in our hearts, around us, we have hope, a better tomorrow, this is a good thing.




True happiness "life, and the pursuit of happiness" the authors of the American Declaration have declared that happiness is one of the basic rights to make life worth living. William James, the first American psychologist, also ecd this point: "if we ask a question:" what is the main concern of human life? " The answer we should get is: "this is happiness.". Every philosophical and religious system provides individuals and groups with access to happiness.

Happiness is related to happiness, escape from pain, rational thinking, union with God, friendship, children, wealth, honor, and successful activities. Even today's state burial statues, scientists have joined the dialogue to find out what helps happiness, or what they call "subjective well-being.". If happiness is an activity consistent with excellence, it should conform to the highest excellence - Aristotle's view of happiness is obvious and difficult to define, but the desire for happiness can establish expectations, which are often difficult to achieve.

The right to pursue happiness is considered an inalienable right. Eric Hoffer has never promised that everyone can be happy. A wrong search, we hope to provide a framework that will guide you in your personal pursuit of happiness.


真正的幸福“生命、自由和追求幸福”《美国宣言》的作者们宣布幸福是使生命值得活下去的基本权利之一,美国第一位心理学家威廉·詹姆斯(William James)对幸福的强调也附和了这一点:“如果我们问一个问题:‘人类生命的主要关注点是什么?’我们应该得到的答案是:“这就是幸福”。每一个哲学和体系都为个人和群体提供了通往幸福的途径。幸福与快乐、逃避痛苦、理智思考、与上帝的结合、友谊、孩子、财富、荣誉、成功的活动有关,即使是今天的国葬雕像,科学家们也加入到对话中来寻求答案:什么有助于幸福,或者,他们称之为“主观幸福感”。

如果幸福是与卓越相一致的活动,那么它应该符合最高的卓越——亚里士多德的幸福观很明显,很难定义,但对幸福的渴望可以建立起期望,而这些期望往往很难实现。追求幸福的权利被认为是一项不可剥夺的权利,埃里克·霍夫(Eric Hoffer)从未承诺过人人都能幸福,一个错误的搜索,我们希望提供一个框架,将指导你个人追求幸福。



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