
时间:2023-05-24 00:58:44 来源: 作者:
前言: 关于”旅行“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:travel。以下是关于旅行的六级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。





There are many ways to travel. If people want to go far away and arrive at their destination in a short time, flying is the most comfortable but expensive way to travel, because the train is a cheaper way, but the carriage is narrow, stuffy bus travel is a cheaper way, but it is spent in narrow places, py roads, crowded traffic, boat travel OK may be the cheapest and most comfortable way, but it takes too much time ‰ I like to travel by bike, I can start when I like, stop when I like, I can go anywhere I want to, so that when I feel tired, I sit next to my bike and enjoy a good rest. Besides, I can save a lot of money on tickets and waiting for rain or buses.

You can go to more places by bike than by walking. Cycling is good for your health. It's really a good way to exercise your muscles and your will.

Moreover, it does not pollute the air and helps to clean the air atmosphere.





There are many ways to travel. If people want to go far away and reach their destination in a short time, air travel is the most comfortable but expensive way. Most people travel by train because it is a cheaper way, but the carriage is narrow, and the stuffy bus travel is a cheaper way, but it costs in narrow places and py roads Road, crowded traffic, boat travel may be the cheapest and most comfortable way, but it takes too much time I like to travel by bike, I can start when I like, stop when I like, I can go to any place I like, so that when I feel tired, I can sit beside my bike and have a good rest, I can save a lot of money When I buy tickets and wait for trains or buses, I can go to more places by bike than by walking.

Cycling is good for health. It is really a good way to exercise muscles and test will. It does not pollute the air, so it helps to purify the atmosphere.


旅行方式有很多种,如果人们想去很远的地方,在较短的时间内到达目的地,乘飞机旅行是最舒适但最昂贵的方式大多数人乘火车旅行,因为这是一种较便宜的方式,但是车厢狭窄,而闷闷闷的公共汽车旅行是一种更便宜的方式,但它花费在狭窄的地方,颠簸的道路,拥挤的交通,乘船旅行可能是最便宜和最舒适的方式,但它需要太多的时间 我喜欢骑自行车旅行,我可以在我喜欢的时候出发,在我喜欢的时候停下来,我可以去任何我喜欢的地方,这样当我感到累的时候,我可以坐在自行车旁边好好休息,我可以省下很多钱买票和等火车或公共汽车的时间我骑自行车比步行旅行能到更多的地方 骑自行车旅行对健康有好处它确实是一种锻炼肌肉和考验意志的好方法,它不会给空气带来污染,所以有助于净化大气。


Travel travel in the journey, it is exciting to visit different places. You will see the typical beautiful scenery of this area. Finally, you can meet people of different colors and races to make friends.

You can learn about the customs and living habits of the local people. Today, people like to travel a lot. Tourism has become one of the industries that develop rapidly in most countries Perhaps the main reason for this is that, for example, people work hard on their workdays for entertainment, and people will find that the range of travel nearby expands the mountain or beach.

Another example is that for those who don't have much opportunity to leave their motherland, taking an annual holiday abroad is a particularly satisfying experience. When people return from a trip, they usually One of the best ways to learn may be that you've read or heard something, but you'll never get an accurate picture unless you see it and believe it. In addition, if you have a careful observer, you can learn a lot about geography and biology.

No matter how well educated you are, there is always a lot to learn from the history of the places you visit. As you have found in your life, the knowledge gained from travel is no less valuable than any influential reference book.





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