
时间:2023-05-25 20:11:34 来源: 作者:
前言: 关于”adidas“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:adidas。以下是关于adidas的六年级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。





Li Ningning is a famous gymnast and entrepreneur in China. He was born into a Zhuang family in Liuzhou, Guangxi. He is most famous for winning gold medals at the Los Angeles Olympics, including gold medals (floor exercise, pommel horse and rings silver).

In, he won six bronze medals out of seven medals in the sixth World Cup Gymnastics Competition, which earned him the title of "Prince of gymnastics". In, Li retired from sports competitions and founded Beijing Lin sporting goods company in. Nike and Adidas are the main compes of Nike and Adidas in selling ss and sportswear in China.

Li Ning's annual income is more than one million US dollars. The company is a listed company, and its market share in China continues to be higher than that of foreign compes. Board Li, chairman of Li Ning Company of Hong Kong stock exchange, has been introduced into the international gymnastic hall of fame as the spokesperson of Spain's national basketball team.

At least since men's and women's Asik kaquel O'Neill recently signed a five-year insider deal, he cited The influence of former teammate Damon Jones, who called the Spanish national basketball team his Olympic medal record of choice“.



年,李从体育比赛中退役,并于年创办了北京林体育用品公司,耐克和阿迪达斯是耐克和阿迪达斯在中国销售鞋类和运动服装的主要竞争对手。李宁公司的年收入超过百万美元,公司是上市公司,在中国的市场占有率继续高于外国竞争对手香港证交所李宁公司的董事长BoardLi被引荐进入国际体操名人堂的代言西班牙国家篮球队配备内线,至少自男子和女子AsikKaQueL奥尼尔最近签订了xx年内线交易,他引用了前队友达蒙·琼斯(Damon Jones)的影响,他将西班牙国家篮球队称为他选择的奥运会奖牌纪录男子艺术体操Gold Los Angeles Floor Exercise Gold Los Angeles Pommel horseGold Los Angeles Ringsselver Los Angeles Team的影响竞争洛杉矶银质拱顶青铜色洛杉矶全场“”“。


Did you watch the football match last night? Of course, it's very exciting. I really like Messi's golden shot. I also appreciate his amazing football skills.

Messi's poster for Adidas is fantastic. He cheered with the crowd, howling like a lion, kissing his mouth with his left hand and pointing out "a" ball with his right hand.





The Lakers have two types of jerseys, one is "home" and the other is "away.". There are also two kinds of home jerseys. If the Lakers play at home on Sunday, they are white and the other is yellow with yellow stripes on the sides.

The Away Jersey is simpler. Adidas, the manufacturer of the Laker's jerseys, uses purple as the main color and has yellow stripes on the side. By reducing the seams and friction between the clothes, it reduces the uniform weight and increases the comfort of the players.

The size depends on the height and weight of the player. Sizes range from L to XXL l l XXL.



尺码取决于球员的身高和体重。尺码从L到XXXL L XXXL不等。



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