
时间:2023-05-20 06:34:45 来源: 作者:
前言: 关于”描写一个照片“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Describe a picture。以下是关于描写一个照片的高考英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。


关于”描写一个照片“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Describe a picture。以下是关于描写一个照片的高考英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

关于”描写一个照片“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Describe a picture。以下是关于描写一个照片的高考英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Describe a picture

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. I told a story in a painting cl. When the teacher came to a little girl, what were you painting, dear, a picture of God, but no one knew what God was like.

The girl blinked her eyes, and they knew immediately for the little girl, God, her belief is not abstract, but a vivid picture I began to explore the meaning of faith On a life changing journey in Pakistan, by the beautiful lake behind my house, my Pakistani friends have their favorite questions. Your faith I just stare at the quiet and clear lake. I don't have the answer to this abstract concept.

For many people like me, faith is indescribable, always floating in the thin air. We can't say it Or describe it, so we ume we don't know it or don't know it until it finally disappears from our memory. But why does faith have to be an abstract concept? Why not draw a picture of faith like a little girl? Bill Gates and his wife are confident of curing malaria in Africa to maintain their faith.

They draw a picture in their mind of a happy African mother holding a healthy baby. Henry David Taetired from the crazy crowd and found it Our Walden lake, when he finally recovers from nature, his image of faith still accompanies him; we need to make our faith concrete and firm, so that it can really change our lives. Our society is sometimes a huge society swallowing the ocean.

We are seduced by fame and wealth, our ship of faith is often wrecked on the rocks, but we are young People urgently need faith in order to navigate in this changing world. I sit by the lake, the still lake in my eyes is like faith itself, eternal in this ever-changing world, I found the answer to a question, my faith is this lake - this is the picture of my faith. When I was in despair, I came to my lake and found the faith in my heart.

It embraces peace and tranquility. I could feel the ripple of life spreading in my heart. When I was confused, I came to my lake to look for the faith in my heart.

It was so clear and crystal like a mirror, so that I could see my true self, ladies and gentlemen An image, like a little girl, draw a picture of our faith. Faith will become a clear and close thing. What we can see, feel and touch will respond to our call when we need to, and will always reside in our soul.

Thank you.


早上好,女士们先生们。我在一个绘画课上讲了一个故事,老师来到一个小女孩面前,你在画什么,亲爱的,上帝的一幅画却没有人知道上帝是什么样子的女孩眨了眨眼睛,他们马上就知道了 对小女孩来说,上帝,她的信仰不是抽象的,而是一幅生动的图画 我对意义的认真探索信仰开始于在巴基斯坦的一次改变生活的旅程,在我住的房子后面的美丽的湖边,我的巴基斯坦朋友有他们最喜欢的问题你的信仰我只是凝视着宁静清澈的湖水我没有这个抽象概念的答案对许多像我一样的人来说,信仰是无法描述的,总是漂浮在稀薄的空气中我们无法说出或描述它,所以我们假设我们不知道或不知道它,直到它最终从我们的记忆中消失。但是为什么信仰必须是一个抽象的概念为什么不像小女孩一样,画一幅信仰的图画比尔·盖茨和他的妻子有信心在非洲治愈疟疾以保持他们的信仰,他们在脑海中画出一幅图画一个快乐的非洲母亲抱着一个健康的婴儿,亨利·大卫·梭罗从疯狂的人群中退休,找到了自己的瓦尔登湖,当他最终从大自然中恢复过来时,他的信仰的形象仍然伴随着他;我们需要使我们的信仰具体而牢固,这样它才能真正改变我们的生活我们的社会有时是一个巨大的社会吞噬海洋我们被名利的,我们的信仰之船常常在岩石上失事,但我们年轻人迫切需要信仰,才能在这个变化的世界中航行。



In my photos, my favorite is the one taken in Tiananmen Square on a rainy day in summer. This is a color photo. Although the color is not very bright, it can clearly see that a five-year-old boy provides an umbrella to a instructor.

We can clearly see that the soldier is so moved that he scorns my favorite little boy Just because it's a beautiful color picture, and because it gives us an encouraging impression.




In your oral English cl, your teacher showed you the following picture. You were asked to describe the picture and explain how you understood it. This is an interesting picture.

A young man in the west is sitting at the table, ready to eat a bowl of noodles. He is holding two forks, just like we Chinese people do with chopsticks. He is trying to pick it up.

When I see his sweaty noodles at the first sight, I feel a little funny, because we Chinese people take chopsticks for granted as a tool to eat noodles. The man in the picture tries to Imitating us, obviously he does it very hard. Maybe he can do it better with a fork.

In my opinion, we don't need to copy other people's ways of thinking. Sometimes a simpler way of doing things may be better.





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