
时间:2023-05-14 16:15:44 来源: 作者:
前言: 关于”人生真正的意义“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:The real meaning of life。以下是关于人生真正的意义的高一英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。


关于”人生真正的意义“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:The real meaning of life。以下是关于人生真正的意义的高一英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

关于”人生真正的意义“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:The real meaning of life。以下是关于人生真正的意义的高一英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The real meaning of life

I like to watch all kinds of sports, especially tennis. Roger Federer is famous all over the world. He has been popular for many years.

Now he is almost the age of a tennis player. Many players choose to withdraw from the game because they have exceeded them. Roger was once suspected by the public.

They thought that Roger would not play as well as before, but Roger proved that this year No, Roger won two Grand Slams. He is still the top tennis player in the world. Federer is my real hero.

He not only continues to play tennis, but also is a good husband and father. He never let his fans down.




People living in this world must bear all kinds of responsibilities. Small families, small relatives and children should bear most of their responsibilities, from the state to the society. However, let us not forget that, in addition, we also have a fundamental responsibility, that is, to be responsible for their own life, and everyone should be responsible for the world for their own life If this is the only time wasted in life, and no one can really comfort him to realize this, how can our own life not have a strong sense of responsibility? It is the only responsibility that can be shared or transferred by other responsibilities on the earth.

Everyone can only live their life completely They can't rely on others to tear up more. What I want to say is that the sense of responsibility for their own life is the root of all the remaining responsibilities. Only one person is responsible for his own life and establishes his own life goals and life beliefs.

He can be separated from them and consciously choose and take responsibility for others and society, just as Goethe said: "responsibility" No matter what you want to do is to have a kind of love. "Because of this kind of love, it will consciously realize the meaning of life. On the contrary, we can obtain spiritual satisfaction.

I can't imagine how a person can not love life, love others and love will cause wandering in life, how people will firmly shoulder the responsibility of life. The reality is that such people are not regarded as outside The hard work and the heavy burden imposed on him are regarded as a kind of pure giving and demanding.




There is a big tree at the edge of the forest. Its branches stretch out majestically, so does its root. It hides people's sunshine and provides shelter for countless birds and other small animals.

It has been buzzing in the branches a small plant was planted at the foot of the tree. Its branches were soft. One day, two neighbors were chatting, "OK, little guy," the tree said to the plant, "why don't you plant your feet deep into the ground like I do and raise your head boldly"; "I don't think it's necessary to do this," the plant said with a smile, "in fact," I think I might be safer in this way.

" "Safety" tree laughs. "You're implying that you're safer than me. Do you know how deep my roots are?" My trunk is thick and strong.

Even if two people hold hands, they can't encircle my trunk. No one can pull my root off, nor can he put his head on the ground The tree whistled around, but the tree soon regretted it. One night, a major hurricane appeared in the area it hit.

The trees fell off their roots and almost completely destroyed the forest. It pulled up the big tree and threw it away When the storm ped, the villagers who lived nearby investigated the damage. The big trees that had almost touched the sky were now stumps.

Even worse, their bodies were everywhere in the forest, with one exception: the small plant was thrown around in the fury of the hurricane and bent completely, but when the hurricane ended, it sighed and stood up again.


在森林的边缘有一棵大树,它的枝桠雄伟地伸展着,它的根也是这样,它遮住了人们的阳光,为无数的鸟和其他小动物提供了庇护所,它一直在枝头嗡嗡作响 在树脚下种了一种小植物,它的枝桠柔嫩,一有一天,两个邻居正在聊天,“好吧,小家伙,”树对植物说,“你为什么不像我一样把脚深深地栽在地上,大胆地抬起头来”;“我看没必要这样做,”植物笑着小声说,“其实,“我想这样我可能更安全。”“安全”树嘲笑道,“你是在暗示你比我更安全你知道我的根埋得有多深吗?”,我的树干又粗又壮,哪怕两个人手牵手,也不能把我的树干围起来,谁能把我的根拔下来,也不能把头伏在地上。”树气呼呼地转过身去,但树很快就后悔了,有一天晚上,一场大飓风在它所袭击的地区出现了树木从树根上脱落,几乎完全摧毁了森林。

它把大树连根拔起,用力把它扔掉了 当暴风雨过去后,住在附近的村民调查了情况那些曾经几乎触及天空的大树现在都变成了树桩,甚至更糟的是,森林里到处都是它们的尸体只有一个例外:那株小植物在飓风的狂暴之下被抛来抛去,完全弯了腰,但是当飓风结束时,它叹了口气,又站起来了。



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