
时间:2023-05-14 10:38:48 来源: 作者:
前言: 关于”买卖“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:business。以下是关于买卖的九年级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。





Why do I want to be a broker? People who deal with customers' orders to buy and sell securities, just as a grocery store acts as an intermediary between a shopper and a food company. A broker is an intermediary between securities traded in the market and investors who buy securities. We should also mention that the term "broker" can be used in a variety of situations, and it can refer to the person you are dealing with, or you can refer to Charles Schwab or Merrill Lynch In China and the United States, you have to p the two licensing examinations of the American Association of securities dealers (NASD): series and series of examinations to prove that the broker understands the goods he or she is selling and understands all the regulations and laws of the securities industry.

Most countries have similar licensing plans. The most important thing is to recognize that the broker is a salesman when you Trading brokers tend to have direct contact with customers, whether they are individuals or institutions. When they buy or sell securities according to their wishes, they will get a commission.

On the other hand, they tend to buy and sell securities according to the wishes of the portfolio manager (or manager) of an investment company. Finally, the broker is also a sales agent, responsible for obtaining and maintaining the customer list. This really makes me choose to be a The way agents of the future,.


我为什么要成为一名经纪人是那些处理客户订单买卖证券的人,就像杂货店充当购物者和食品生产公司之间的中间人一样,经纪人是市场上交易的证券和购买证券的投资者之间的中间人。我们还应该提到,“经纪人”一词可以用于各种情况下,它可以是指与你打交道的个人,也可以是指像查尔斯·施瓦布(Charles Schwab)或美林证券(Merrill LynchTo)这样的经纪公司中国和美国,你必须通过美国证券交易商协会(NASD)的两个执照考试:系列考试和系列考试证明经纪人了解他或她正在出售的商品,并了解证券业的所有法规和法律大多数国家都有类似的发牌计划最重要的是认识到经纪人是销售人员,当你交易经纪人倾向于直接接触客户,无论是个人还是机构,并根据客户的意愿买卖证券时,他们会得到佣金,另一方面,倾向于根据投资公司的投资组合经理(或经理人)的意愿买卖证券最后,经纪人也是销售代理,负责获得和维护客户名册,这确实让我选择了成为未来经纪人的方式。


Letter of credit is more and more important in international trade. It can guarantee the interests of both parties, transfer the risk to the corresponding banks of both parties, and ensure the commercial security. Generally, the application procedure of L / C is as follows: the applicant entrusts the applicant to submit the application for opening the L / C (the contents shall be negotiated with the beneficiary before submission).

The applicant shall pay the deposit to the corresponding bank of the applicant, and the corresponding bank of the applicant shall issue the L / C and send it to the corresponding bank of the beneficiary, and the beneficiary bank shall transfer the L / C to the beneficiary.




In this conversation, rocky Simmons, the owner of a small company that makes leisure boats, is on the phone with Jacques Rivera, the owner of a seaside resort in another country. Rocky: Good morning, Jacques. I'm glad to talk to you about the weather in your area.

Jacques: No, I can't sit any more. What can I do for you, Jacques Jacques: I need some of your SB speedboats to let out to our guests. Can you give me an offer rocky: let me see, er, the price is $we're a valuable customer, so I'll give you a discount.

Jacques: that's reasonable. Do you have stock Yes, of course. We set up a new inventory control system last year, so we don't have too much backlog.

Jacques: good, the tourist season is coming, so I need them soon. What's the earliest shipping date you can arrange? Rocky: they can be ready for shipment in a few weeks. Jacques: what's the perfect CIF price, rocky rocky: wait a minute.

We'll have the price Do we have any business with you at your usual port? Jacques: you must fax me all the information. I'll send you my order right away. I'll pay by an irrevocable letter of credit.

As usual, rocky: of course, Jacques: it's nice to do business with you again. Rocky: Goodbye now. Say hello to my family.

Rocky: Yes, I'll do the same. Goodbye, Jacques.





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