毕业的英语作文_graduation 4篇

时间:2023-06-18 17:46:42 来源: 作者:
前言: 关于”毕业“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:graduation。以下是关于毕业的初中英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

毕业的英语作文_graduation 4篇



In the era of planned economy, many Chinese dream of getting a secure job. Once they get a position in the government departments, the state or collective enterprises, they don't have to worry about their own future. However, since the reform and opening up, the new labor system and market economy have begun this stable employment mode, which has greatly hindered people's creativity, The establishment of this new and competitive employment model has made great contributions to the rapid development of China's productive forces.




Dear students, when I am about to graduate, I want to write this letter to express my feelings before leaving school. It is the school life that adds color to my daily life. In the past three years, I spent a good time with my teachers and clmates who supported me.

There is no doubt that I have learned a lot of knowledge and skills beneficial to my future study. However, I also have some regrets, such as wasting too much time playing computer, I spent a little time on learning. Besides, I regret quarreling with my friends when I'm down.

Needless to say, the days when I studied in university are gone forever. I will face many challenges in my new life. Therefore, I should make every effort to study in the University.

Here are some suggestions that you should not waste your time on things unrelated to learning under any cirtances. From this point of view, you should spare no effort to achieve good results in school, I wish you all good luck.





Carefully study the picture above and write an article entitled "after graduation". You should describe the picture, explain its meaning, and give your opinion on this phenomenon you should write the words on the answer sheet neatly) ‰ graduation is an important thing for all of us, it is the gap between school and full-time work, and we will no longer live after graduation It is a student protected by parents and teachers, but a member of the real society. Let's take a look at this picture first: a graduate is told by a teacher that you must rely on yourself in the journey of life after graduation.

He found that some graduates once flew into the sky, while others experienced a violent fall. This picture tells us that graduation is not the end of your education, but the beginning of your real school journey. We may find that we are no different from our clmates.

After graduation, there will be a big gap between us. Some people will strive to improve themselves and become the era The mainstay, some people indulge in material enjoyment and give up the original ideal. Therefore, we should remember that graduation is the beginning of our real life journey.

If you want to become a useful person to the society, you should make every effort to learn from others and improve yourself in this way, you can be superior.


仔细研究上面的图片,在文章中写一篇题为毕业后的文章,你应该描述图片,解释它的意思,给出你对这个现象的看法 你应该把单词写在答题纸上整齐地写上)‰毕业对我们所有人来说都是一件重要的事情,它是学校和全职工作之间的鸿沟毕业后的生活,我们不再是家长和老师保护的学生,而是现实社会中的一员让我们先看看这幅图:一个毕业生被老师告知,毕业后的人生旅途中,你必须依靠自己。他发现,有些毕业生曾经飞上了天空,而有些人则经历了一场剧烈的坠落这幅图告诉我们,毕业不是你受教育的结束,而是你真正的学校旅程的开始,我们也许会发现我们和同学们没有什么不同,毕业后我们之间会有很大的差距,有的人努力提高自己,成为时代的中流砥柱,有的人沉溺于物质享受,放弃了最初的理想,因此,我们应该记住,毕业是我们真正人生旅程的开始,如果你想成为一个对社会有用的人,你应该尽一切努力向别人学习,并通过这种方式提高自己,你就可以高高在上了。

本文标题:毕业的英语作文_graduation 4篇


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