电子邮件的英文_Electronics 4篇

时间:2023-06-17 08:17:18 来源: 作者:
前言: 关于”电子“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Electronics。以下是关于电子的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

电子邮件的英文_Electronics 4篇



(computer games) now playing computer games takes up too much time for agers, so I think computer games should be eliminated. They are just a waste of time, money and energy. Teenagers should do valuable things, such as reading, studying and going to concerts and museums.

Computer games are harmful to the physical and mental health of young people. Computer games rooms are very dark, noisy, unhealthy and violent, so cities and towns should ban the use of computer games.




If you ask a person whether they often go to the library, I think they will answer you No. the reason why I say this is because many years ago, with the development of e-books, there is no computer. The only way to check the information you need is to get it from paper books, which means that you need to go to a bookstore or a library.

At the same time, with the development of the Internet, people can easily get information You just need to click on the computer, so what you are looking for is that the e-book is a very popular reading form. People can find what they want to read in the computer, such as novels and stories. Then downloading it is so convenient and fast, which can save a lot of time.

We don't need to go to the library. If we are busy, e-book is a good way to read.




Telecommuting - replacing work trips with computers - has been hailed as a way to solve various problems ociated with office work - it ensures that employees stay away from the office, reduces time wasted on transportation, and helps resolve management's child care conflicts. Telecommuting helps to retain outstanding employees and minimize lateness and absenteeism by eliminating commuting To allow a period of solitude for highly focused tasks and to provide scheng flexibility in some areas (such as Southern California and Seattle, Washington), local governments encourage companies to launch telecommuting projects to reduce peak traffic congestion and improve air quality, but these benefits have not come easily. The difference between a computer programmer and a remote office manager who wants to stay in touch with the reality of a remote office worker from New York City needs to keep a close eye on the difference between a computer programmer and a remote office worker, Working at home for the other two days, an accountant stays at home to look after a sick child.

She hangs up the phone. The connections of modern society and office work are powerful images between calling doctors, but they are a limited reflection of reality. Telecommuting workers quickly realize that it is almost impossible to focus on work and care for a child before a certain age, Young children cannot recognize, let alone respect, the necessary boundaries between work and family, and extra child rearing is necessary if parents are to complete any work.

Management must also distinguish between myth and reality. Despite the media's focus on telecommuting, in most cases it is the situation of employees rather than the availability of technology. Part of the reason is that despite extensive media coverage, the number of companies with work projects or policy guidelines is still small.



本文标题:电子邮件的英文_Electronics 4篇


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