英语通知的万能模板_notice 5篇

时间:2023-06-16 23:31:37 来源: 作者:
前言: 关于”通知“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:notice。以下是关于通知的小学英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

英语通知的万能模板_notice 5篇



Note: winter vacation is coming. Our winter vacation is from XX to XX. Please finish your homework during the holiday and hang it up when you come back.

Students must be careful when they go out or play. Please make sure that the opening day is XXX, and the school is not allowed to leave school. Enjoy your winter and have a good holiday.





In the process of English learning, students do not pay much attention to the spelling of words, which greatly affects students' writing and causes teachers' concern. There may be three reasons for this phenomenon: Empirical education makes students pay less attention to spelling. Secondly, some teachers should also be responsible for this, because they do not emphasize the importance of spelling in teaching.

But equally important, some students are too lazy to recite words. Spelling is one of the most important factors in English learning. For me, we should pay due attention to it First of all, the examination should be revised to add some factors, which will help students pay more attention to spelling.

Then, schools should also establish effective mechanisms to help teachers and students finally realize the importance of spelling. For students themselves, they can, through other means, really realize the importance of spelling and make improvements.




ABC V BBC students, please note that we are going on an outing. We will meet at the school gate in the morning. Then we will climb the mountain at noon.

We will have a picnic on the top of the mountain. Please prepare food and drink. You should also take a pair of light ss with you so that it is easier to climb the mountain.

By the way, you should be on time. Have a good trip.


ABC v BBC同学们,请注意,我们将去郊游,我们将在上午在学校门口见面,然后我们将在中午爬山,我们要在山顶上野餐,请准备好食物和饮料。你也应该随身带一双轻便的鞋,这样爬山就更容易了。顺便说一句,你应该准时,祝你旅途愉快。

本文标题:英语通知的万能模板_notice 5篇


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