财务报表的英文_financial statements 4篇

时间:2023-06-16 05:15:31 来源: 作者:
前言: 关于”财务报表“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:financial statements。以下是关于财务报表的六级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

财务报表的英文_financial statements 4篇

关于”财务报表“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:financial statements。以下是关于财务报表的六级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:financial statements

The six basic elements of accounting are ets, liabilities, shareholders' equity, income, expenses and net income. The first three common elements in an enterprise's balance sheet can be linked by the following equation: Assets = Liabilities + equity. The latter three elements are the main components of the enterprise's balance sheet.

The income statement is logically linked: net income = income and expenditure. More specifically, ets, liabilities and equity represent the income and expenditure of a company at a certain point in time The ability of a company to increase ets and liabilities through timely recognition of these factors over a period of time, and users of financial statements will be able to better ess the company's future financial situation.




Cost of goods purchased in January less: purchase discount net purchase quantity address: frightin 0 cost the purchase cost of goods available for sale, December sales cost multiplier profit statement commodity cost cyclical system cost of goods sales income statement sales revenue minus: sales discount net sales cost sales gross profit operating expenses general management expenses total operating expenses operating income other income and income dividend income other expenses and losses final expenses earthquake loss net income net income retained in January Deposits plus: net income less: dividend December retained earnings.


xx月份采购的货物成本减:购买折扣净购买量地址:frightin 0成本可供出售商品存货的购进成本,xx月份销货成本乘数利润表商品成本周期性系统销货成本收益表销售收入减:销售折扣网销货成本销货毛利营业费用一般管理费用总营业费用营业收入其他收入和收益股息收入其他费用和损失最终费用地震损失净收入净收入xx月留存款项加:净收入减:股息xx月留存收益。


Company a is a limited liability company with RMB as its bookkeeping base currency. The following foreign currency transactions or events occurred in the company from January 7 to March 5. Company a purchased thousands of B shares of company X (US $3 each) with the spot exchange rate of US $1 and the transaction costs paid by company a of 1000 yuan.

Company a clified the investment as trading holding until January, 2015 Company X still holds the investment. The fair value of the equity is: USD per share on mm / DD / yyyy × equipment y purchased by company a from overseas company at the spot exchange rate of USD 1000 on the purchase date. According to the purchase agreement, the purchase price will be settled within the month.

Although the goods have been delivered immediately, on February 4, the company sold the products to an American company with a sales price of US $1000 No customs duties are levied and the goods are delivered immediately. The exchange rate on February is 1 US dollars = ¥ uming that there is no value-added tax on export products, the company accepts investors' investment of US $1000 on March 1, and the spot exchange rate on that day is US $1. The exchange rate stipulated in the investment contract is US $1 = ¥ remitted to the bank account of company a on March 1 after investment, and the total capital of company a is thousand Among them, investor w accounts for% of other information, the closing exchange rate on March 7 is US $1 = the opening balance of foreign currency monetary account of company B on December 6, as shown in the table below.

Prepare the above accounting entries, determine the book value of investment in x s company B shares, prepare relevant accounting entries, calculate the exchange income (or expense) of foreign currency monetary items in the first quarter of × 7, and prepare and recognize foreign exchange income( On December 6, the exchange rate of thousand US dollars was 1000 yuan, accounts receivable and accounts payable, bank deposit 2.



本文标题:财务报表的英文_financial statements 4篇


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