英文读书报告的格式_Reading Report 3篇

时间:2023-06-11 10:41:59 来源: 作者:
前言: 关于”读书报告“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Reading Report。以下是关于读书报告的初中英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

英文读书报告的格式_Reading Report 3篇

关于”读书报告“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Reading Report。以下是关于读书报告的初中英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Reading Report

Tom Sawyer and his best friend Huck Finn tell stories, fish, pretend to be pirates on the Mississippi River, and then they become witnesses to a terrible crime in real life, whether Tom is running away from villains, looking for treasure or showing off for Becky Thatcher, this is another gradient of humor Dear dear dear golf cup, Saay morning is coming. I like all Saays. The weather is sunny.

It's very suitable to go out and play. "I cried, I cried. That's a routine in the past." "think about it, Tom's wind did blow out anything said." it's a lot, but now the record is not very clear.

"No mistake, oh, that said: soup Shut up. Oh, my God, yes, sir. I think Tom is brave and smart.

I like him very much.


汤姆·索耶和他最好的朋友·芬恩在密西西比河岸边讲故事、钓鱼,假装成海盗,然后他们就成了现实生活中一桩可怕罪行的见证人,不管汤姆是在逃避恶棍、寻宝还是为贝基·炫耀,这是继另一个梯度幽默dier-Close Quoter secret亲爱的亲爱的高尔夫杯星期六早上来了,我喜欢所有的星期六,天气晴朗,非常适合出去玩“我哭了,我哭了,那已经是过去的例行公事了”“好好想想,汤姆的风确实吹熄了任何说的话”都是很多,但是现在的记录已经不太清楚了“没有错误哦,哦那说:汤姆“闭嘴哦,天哪,是的,先生,我觉得汤姆很勇敢,很聪明,我很喜欢他。


Vanity fair the protagonist of Vanity Fair is Becky sharp Sharp, an unscrupulous woman who gets wealth and influence by her own ingenuity, was published as a series before it was sold in the form of a book. It was printed monthly between January and July (according to standard practice, the last part is a "double number" containing parts that are similar to pamphlets, printed on the outside of a steel plate engraving and spread In the text, the same engraving ilrations appear on the yellow cover of each month's magazine, and this color has become the mark of Thackeray (light blue and green is Dickens, who let pers-by notice a new Thackeray number from the bookstall in the distance). Vanity Fair is the first work of Thackeray published in his own name And it was very popular at the time, and the first monthly figures and later bound editions featured Thackeray's own ilrations, which sometimes provided plot hints or symbolic shipping images (the main characters were the cannibal mermaids, for example).

The text did not explicitly mention most contemporary versions, either did not copy all the ilrations, or copied so badly that A lot of details are missing.


《名利场》英国作家威廉·马克佩斯·萨克雷的小说《名利场》的主角是贝基·夏普(Becky Sharp),一个靠自己的聪明才智获得财富和影响力的不择手段的女人在以书的形式出售之前,它是作为一个系列出版的,它在xx月到xx月之间按月印刷(按照标准惯例,最后一部分是一个“双编号”,包含了一些零件,这些零件类似于小册子,在钢板版画外页与广告木刻版之间有几章文字,可与普通活字一起设置,在正文中,同样的雕刻插图出现在每个月刊的淡封面上,这种颜色成为萨克雷的标志(浅蓝绿色是狄更斯让路人从远处的书摊上注意到一个新的萨克雷号码名利场是萨克雷以自己的名义出版的第一部作品,并且在当时非常受欢迎,最初的每月数字和后来的装订版本都以萨克雷自己的插图为特色,这些插图有时会提供情节暗示或象征性的货运图像(主要人物表现为食人美人鱼,例如)文本没有明确提及大多数当代版本,要么没有复制所有插图,要么复制得太差,以至于丢失了许多细节。


Charles Dickens (John huffm) (born in Portsmouth, Hampshire, February, June gard hill, near Chatham, Kent, UK) is an English novelist. It is generally believed that Oliver, the greatest document of the Victorian period, committed disrespect and blasphemy after his star career in the antique shop. He demanded more, and Oliver was still a black sheep In the dark, lonely room, where he was sent by the wisdom and kindness of the board of directors, it seemed unreasonable at first sight that if he had a sense of respect for the prediction of the gentleman in the white vest, he could have tied one end of his handkerchief to a hook on the wall, and then tied himself to another To accomplish this feat, he could have permanently established the prophet character of this saint.

However, there was one obstacle: pocket handkerchief was regarded as a luxury, which had been removed from the noses of the r and met in plenary meeting in accordance with the explicit order of the board of directors: solemnly announcing and stamping the factory B] on their hands The factory director thinks that he should not bear any personal responsibility for the deficit. B] students can apply for personal tuition fees. Compromise is an obstacle to his political success.

He lives a luxurious life. The refrigerator is a luxury at that time. He solemnly vowed to fulfill his promise.

This makes me feel disappointed. Now some people seem to doubt the existence of goodness in human nature. They look down on the honesty and kindness of people For this reason, on the one hand, they don't show sympathy for people in difficulties and seldom take the initiative to help others; on the other hand, they think that money and interests are the only material object, while emotion and morality are nihilistic.

If they can't profit from charity, they will take the opportunity to beat others when they are in trouble or even beat someone when they are in low mood. I really hate them.



本文标题:英文读书报告的格式_Reading Report 3篇


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