
时间:2023-06-06 08:14:45 来源: 作者:
前言: 关于”励志生命中的五个球“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Five balls in inspirational life。以下是关于励志生命中的五个球的专八英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。


关于”励志生命中的五个球“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Five in inspirational life。以下是关于励志生命中的五个球的专八英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

关于”励志生命中的五个球“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Five in inspirational life。以下是关于励志生命中的五个球的专八英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Five in inspirational life

Think of life as a game. You play five in the air. You name them work, family health, friend spirit.

You throw all these in the air. You will soon understand that work is a rubber ball. If you throw it down, it will bounce back.

The other four - Family Health, friends and spirit are made of gl. If you drop one of them They will inevitably wear, scratch, damage and even shatter, and they will never be the same. You know, don't try to balance your life so fast that you forget not only where you've been, but also where you're going - written by the CEO of Coca Cola.




A few years ago, Brian Dyson, the chief executive of Coca Cola Enterprises Dyson) talked about the relationship between work and other companies in his commencement address. Commitment: imagine life. When you play five in the air, you name them work, family, health, friends and spirit.

If you throw them all in the air, you will soon understand that work is a rubber ball, and if you drop it, it will bounce back. If you can't make a mark on the gl or other people's health, you must not set your own mark on the gl or other people's life, because you can't make a mark on the other people's mind Goals only you know what's best for you. Don't take for granted that the things closest to your heart will cling to them, because without them, life is meaningless.

Don't let your life slip away from your fingers, live in the past, live in the future, live every day of your life, don't give up. When you have something to pay, nothing really ends. When you stop trying, don't be afraid to admit that you are not perfect.

It is this fragile thread that connects us together. Don't be afraid to run into risks. It's by taking risks that we learn how to be brave.

Don't shut love out, because we can't find the quickest way to receive love is to give it the quickest way to lose love is to hold it too tightly, and the best way to keep love is to keep it from running too fast in life, so that you not only forget where you have been, but also forget it Where are you going. Don't forget, a person's greatest emotional need is to feel appreciated, don't be afraid to learn knowledge is weightless, a treasure that you can carry with you at any time. Don't use time or words casually, and you can't find your life.

It's not a competition, but a journey worth tasting. Yesterday has become history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift: This is for you What we call the present:.


几年前,可口可乐公司(Coca-Cola Enterprises)首席执行官布莱恩•戴森(Brian Dyson)在大学毕业典礼致辞中谈到了工作与其他公司的关系承诺:想象生活当你在空中玩五个球的游戏时,你把它们命名为工作,家庭,健康,朋友和精神,如果你把这些都抛在空中,你很快就会明白,工作是一个橡皮球,如果你把它扔下去,它会反弹回来。其他四个球家庭、健康、朋友和精神都是玻璃做的,如果你把其中的一个掉在地上,它们将不可避免地磨损、留下印记、刻痕,你必须明白,在你的生活中,不要通过与别人比较来削弱你的价值,因为我们每个人都是不同的,不能以别人认为重要的东西来设定你的目标只有你知道什么对你最好不要想当然最接近你的心的东西会紧紧地抓住它们,因为没有它们,生活就没有意义了。不要让你的生命从指间溜走,活在过去,活在未来,活在你生命的每一天,不要放弃,当你还有东西要付出时,什么都没有真正结束当你停止尝试的那一刻不要害怕承认你不够完美,正是这根脆弱的线把我们联系在一起。



A few years ago, Brian Dyson, the chief executive of Coca Cola Enterprises Dyson) talked about the relationship between work and other commitments in a college graduation address: · imagine life is a game, you play five in the air, you name them work, family, health, friends and spirit, and keep them in the air. You will soon understand that work is a rubber ball, and if you drop it, it will bounce back Come on, but the other four , family, health, friends and spirit are all made of gl. If you drop one of them, they will inevitably be worn, nicked, nicked, damaged or even shattered.

They will never be the same. You have to understand this and try to keep a balance in your life. How do you not devalue yourself by comparing yourself with others? This is Because each of us is different.

Don't set your goals by what other people think is important. Only you know what's best for you. Don't take for granted that the things closest to your heart will hold on to them like your life, because without them, life is meaningless.

Don't let your life slip through your fingers just because you live in the past In the past and miss the future, you have to live every day of your life. Don't give up when you have something to give. Until the moment you stop trying, don't be afraid to admit that you're not perfect.

It's this fragile thread that binds us together. Don't be afraid to run into risks. It's through taking risks that we learn how to be brave.

Don't shut love out and say that the quickest way to receive love is to give love. The fastest way to lose love is to hold it too tightly. The best way to keep love is to give it wings in life.

Don't run so fast that you forget not only where you have been, but also where you are going. A person's greatest emotional need is to feel grateful. Don't be afraid to learn knowledge is weightless.

A treasure you can carry at any time. Don't use time or words casually, and you can't find your life. It's not a game.

However, every step of the journey is worth remembering. Yesterday was history, tomorrow was a mystery, today is a gift: that's why we call it present stay.


几年前,可口可乐公司(Coca-Cola Enterprises)首席执行官布莱恩·戴森(Brian Dyson)在一次大学毕业典礼致辞中谈到了工作与其他承诺之间的关系:•想象一下,生活就是一场游戏,你在空中玩着五个球,你把它们命名为工作、家庭、健康、朋友和精神,并将这些都保持在空气你很快就会明白,工作是一个橡皮球,如果你掉了它,它会弹回来的,但是其他四个球家庭,健康,朋友和精神都是玻璃做的如果你掉了其中的一个,它们将不可避免地磨损,有痕,有刻痕,损坏甚至粉碎它们永远不会是原来的你必须明白这一点并努力保持平衡在你的生活中,如何不要把自己和别人比较来贬低自己的价值这是因为我们每个人都是不同的不要以别人认为重要的东西来设定你的目标只有你知道什么对你最好不要想当然地认为最接近你的心的东西会像你的生活一样紧紧抓住它们,因为没有它们,生活就是这样没有意义不要因为活在过去而让你的生命从指间溜走,不要因为活在过去而错过未来,你要活出你生命中的每一天。当你还有东西要付出的时候不要放弃。直到你停止努力的那一刻,不要害怕承认你不够完美。




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