
时间:2023-06-06 03:51:55 来源: 作者:
前言: 关于”龙卷风“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:。以下是关于龙卷风的八级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。





Tornadoes are naturally the most violent storms. Although tornadoes occur in many parts of the world, the frequency of these destructive forces is the highest in the east of the Rockies in the United States. Tornadoes are reported throughout the country on average in spring and summer.

Tornadoes causing death and excessive injury are defined as violently rotating air columns extending from thunderstorms to the ground. The most violent tornadoes can cause great damage at wind speeds of an hour or more. Once a tornado in broadbow, Oklahoma, carries motels, marks miles in Arkansas and throws them in Arkansas, it causes tornado thunderstorms to form in warm, humid air, often producing large hailstones before the eastward moving cold front Tornadoes in winter and early spring are usually ociated with strong, frontal systems formed in the central states and occasionally move eastward.

Large scale tornadoes may occur in this weather mode. Several states may be affected by a large number of severe thunderstorms and tornadoes. In the spring of Central Plains, thunderstorms often develop along a "trunk line", which will be very warm Thunderstorms often form in the upper part of the upper part of the Texas mountains, where the upper part of the upper part of the thunderstorm, and the upper part of the mountain range, can produce air moving eastward, if favorable conditions exist Wind tornadoes occasionally move over land with tropical storms and hurricanes.

Tornadoes are most common on the right and in front of the storm center path.




Wind: cool breeze cool breeze: breath breeze breeze breeze breeze breeze breeze breeze breeze breeze breeze tornado whirlwind.




Tornado is a kind of Vortex: the air of tornado revolves around the fast axis, and the extreme pressure from the center reduces the attraction of a thin layer of air tens of meters thick on the ground. The air is ed into the bottom of the vortex from all directions, and then rises to the vortex around the shaft. The tornado with the central air pressure lower than 1% of the surrounding air pressure is accompanied by the tornado With a high-speed rotating funnel cloud vortex column, the wind speed near the center of the tornado can reach M / s M / s, the maximum m / s, near the center of the typhoon is several times higher than the maximum wind speed.

The central pressure is low, generally as low as HPA and a, and the lowest can reach 100 Pa. it has a great suction effect. Sea (Lake) water is absorbed from the sea (Lake) side to form a water column, and then forms a cloud phase.

The inner air of the tornado called "water dragon" is extremely thin, resulting in a sharp decrease in temperature and rapid condensation of water vapor The reason why it is very important for the building to form a tornado is that it can cause the formation of a tornado or a funnel in the ground for about 10 minutes every year, but it can only cause the formation of a tornado in the ground for about 10 hours In general, Liu Qiyue, in some cases, occurs in the middle of August.


龙卷风是一种漩涡:龙卷风的空气绕着快速轴旋转,中心喷出的极端压力减少了地面上数十米厚的一层薄薄的空气的吸引力,空气被从各个方向吸入涡旋的底部然后上升到绕轴的漩涡中,在风中喷出的总是一种旋风,中心气压比周围气压低百分之一的龙卷风是伴随着一个高速旋转的漏斗云涡柱,龙卷风中心附近风速可达m/s m/s,最大m/s,台风中心附近比最大风速好几倍中心气压低,一般低到hPa、A最低可达百帕它有很大的吸力作用,海(湖)水从海(湖)侧吸收形成水柱,然后与云相,被称为“水龙”的龙卷风内部空气极为稀薄,导致温度急剧降低,水汽迅速凝结,这是漏斗云形成一个重要的柱状漏斗云形成的原因,平均只有m左右的强龙卷风对积雨云的不稳定性,它的形成和暖空气、冷空气南下等地形的作用很短,一般维持10分钟到了数小时,其力却惊人,连根拔起的树木可以,建筑物被吹翻或部分地面到空气量的江苏省每年都会发生龙卷风,但地点并没有明显的规律出现,一般刘奇跃,在某些情况下还发生在xx月中旬。



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