
时间:2023-05-25 14:35:30 来源: 作者:
前言: 关于”备忘录“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:memorandum。以下是关于备忘录的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。





BECBEC: from BECBEC to: about the memorandum subject: olive HR manager to: all staff date: June, subject: the appointment of Francisco, we announce the appointment of Mrs. Francesco as the new sales manager of the headquarters. She will start work next Monday morning.

There will be a small welcome meeting on the same day, so please attend on time, who will read my memo, what readers already know, what readers need to know how readers will respond to my memo memo memo memo to: all employees from: PR Manager subject: welcome new marketing manager Ms. Francesca to be appointed marketing manager of our company Manager, because she has rich experience and outstanding performance for many years, and because the marketing department treats our company, Ms. fangjige should start work as soon as possible tomorrow.

She will come and take charge of this department to show our welcome. We ask every member to gather in the company hall at six o'clock to wait for Ms. Francis's arrival.

Please be sure to arrive at all staff members on time Members, today I would like to announce that you are going to have a new sales manager, Mrs. Francisco, who will take over next Monday. You will like her because she is easy to please, so you must be ready to welcome this lady from Alfred to reign tasks.

All employees, please note that Ms. Francis is the new sales manager and she will arrive in the afternoon Here, so that all of you can extend a warm welcome to all the staff from the human resources manager, and I am pleased to announce the appointment of Ms. Francesca as the new sales manager of our headquarters.

She will take office in August. Please join me in extending her warmest welcome. After careful consideration and consultation, Mr.

Wu has decided to appoint Ms. Francesco as the sales manager of the headquarters. It is expected that she will start her new job next Monday.

We will hold a short welcome meeting for her. At that time, please be ready for the re appointment of Ms. Mike HR as babek: babek.


becbece:从becbece到:关于备忘录主题:Olive HR经理致:全体员工日期:xx月,主题:弗朗西斯科的任命我们宣布任命弗朗西斯科夫人为总部的新销售经理。她将于下星期一上午开始工作。当天将举行一个小型欢迎会,因此,请大家准时参加,谁将要阅读我的备忘录,读者已经知道了什么读者需要知道读者将如何回应我的备忘录备忘录备忘录备忘录备忘录给:所有员工来自:公关经理主题:欢迎新的营销经理弗朗西斯卡女士被任命为我们公司的营销经理,因为她多年来拥有丰富的经验和出色的业绩,因为市场部对我们公司,方济各女士明天应该尽早开始工作,她会来并负责这个部门,以此来表示我们的欢迎,要求每一位成员在六点钟的公司大厅集合,等待方济各女士的到来不要迟到请务必准时到全体员工各位成员,今天我要宣布,你们将有一位新的sals经理,弗朗西斯克夫人,她将在下星期一,你们会喜欢她的,因为她很容易取悦,所以你们必须准备好欢迎这位来自阿尔弗雷德的女士重新分配任务,所有员工请注意,弗朗西斯女士是新任销售经理,她将于下午到这里来,以便你们所有人都能从人力资源经理那里向所有员工表示热烈的欢迎,我很高兴地宣布任命弗朗西卡女士为我们总部的新销售经理。



Mr. Steve Pincus interpersonal relationship Winfield medical main street Winfield, FL Dear Mr. Pincus: our last discussion made me fully believe that with my wisdom, experience, innate "human power", first-cl positioning and negotiation, I can serve Winfield Medical has achieved tremendous results and follow-up skills to keep the business you're looking for, hire someone with expertise and guts, and in order to succeed in hiring someone who is as committed to performance as you are, sincerely hire me from John apgood's telephone work phone memo to from date to subject information memo memo to James Jane, sales director of S.

Palmer, regional sales manager date: April subject: investigationat the request of the general manager, I conducted a consumer survey of our products. According to the survey, the market potential of our own brand shirts can be ignored. We will listen to some interesting stories in the activity in November.

We hope all the senior students can come to our activity, and all the prinls will be invited to partite in our activities as the representatives of teachers. Please prepare a performance for you Some of you may be asked to give us a performance. I can't go to school tomorrow because I'm sick now.

I'm in the hospital. I need a rest. Can you tell our teachers that I can't go to school.

Thank you for your help.


Steve Pincus先生人际关系Winfield Medical Main Street Winfield,FL亲爱的Pincus先生:我们的最后一次讨论让我完全相信,凭借我的智慧、经验、先天的“人的力量”、一流的定位、谈判,我可以为Winfield Medical取得巨大的成果,以及后续技能,使你所寻求的业务源源不断地发展,雇佣一个有专业知识和胆识的人,为了成功雇佣一个像你一样致力于表现的人诚恳地雇佣我约翰·阿普古德家里的电话工作电话备忘录备忘录到从日期起主题信息备忘录备忘录备忘录到詹姆斯·帕尔默的销售总监简,区域销售经理日期:xx月主题:调查应总经理的要求,我对我们的产品进行了一次消费者调查调查。调查显示,我们自有品牌衬衫的市场潜力可以忽略不计我们会在xx月的活动中听一些有趣的故事给你们听精彩的歌声和优美的舞蹈我们希望所有的高年级学生都能来参加我们的活动,所有的校长都会作为老师的代表被邀请参加我们的活动请准备一场表演,因为你们中的一些人可能会被要求给我们表演一场明天不能上学了,因为我现在病了,我在医院我需要休息一下你能告诉我们的老师我不能去学校谢谢你的帮助你的朋友                                                          。


Becec BECBEC write a one word memo for your office to develop a smoking policy that is fair to both smokers and nonsmokers. Inform all employees of this policy memo to: all employees from: CEO, Willan Smith theme: new smoking policy for all employees, especially for smokers. Please note that our company's new smoking policy has been formulated as follows: by next month, the main smoking area will be restricted, and no one is allowed to smoke in the non-smoking area, even in the bathroom.

Plz aims at smoking area and non-smoking area, and will comply with the company's new policy from next Monday: restricted to the toilet Room, to ensure fairness to all of you: all employees from: I hope everyone knows that smoking is harmful to your health. The study does not only point out the adverse effects of smoking on those who do not smoke. In view of the special corner of the smoking area, it is also important to note that the first floor of this building will take effect on December th.

Thanks for the memo from bebec to ensure the working environment.


Bececbecbec为您的办公室制定一个对吸烟者和不吸烟者都公平的吸烟政策写一个单词备忘录,通知所有员工该政策备忘录的收件人:所有员工来自:CEO,Willan Smith主题:所有员工的新吸烟政策,特别是吸烟者请注意,我们公司新的吸烟政策已经制定如下:下个月前,主吸烟区将被限制,任何人不得在非吸烟区吸烟,即使是在盥洗室,plz的目标是吸烟区和非吸烟区,并从下周一开始遵守公司的新政策:限制在厕所旁边的房间,以确保对你们所有人都公平:所有员工来自:希望大家都知道吸烟对你的健康有害,研究并没有仅仅指出吸烟对那些不吸烟的人的不良影响,鉴于吸烟区位于特殊角落,在此也要注意这座大楼的一楼将于年月日生效,感谢来自Bebec的备忘录,以确保工作环境。



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