
时间:2023-05-24 13:47:05 来源: 作者:
前言: 关于”写美德“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Writing virtue。以下是关于写美德的初中英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。


关于”写美德“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Writing virtue。以下是关于写美德的初中英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

关于”写美德“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Writing virtue。以下是关于写美德的初中英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Writing virtue

Being a searcher, trying to figure out who I am and what makes me different, I want a solid foundation from where I start to resist pressure and act in a way that I don't like anymore, and I'm happy for myself, and I'm more and more convinced that no one can take my place. Each of us has a unique place in the world. You're special, No No matter what others say or what you think, forget to be replaced.

You can't be the same as you need air to breathe. You need opportunity to succeed. It doesn't need fresh air of opportunity, but you have to take advantage of it.

It doesn't depend on yourself or what "floor" the opportunity is on. What matters is how you use it.




In cl, the chalk on the blackboard "danced" to the national standard. The teachers "danced" the national dignity in front of the platform. I sat on the chair and used the storm "shout" "bang" "Wang Bei.

What do you say about your national dignity?" this teacher, I opened the "gun." "Oh, national dignity is the dignity and status of a country in the world." the God's eyes of the murder case were staring at me It's a little surprising that "sit down and listen carefully" to the German police. Their warm treatment is more impressive to foreign tourists. But why do the Chinese special police see that they are always a little indifferent to the noise, just to avoid or ignore why this is racial discrimination, it is not like Chinese and Jews in other countries to travel and welcome tourists Before, the word "use" completely broke the hearts of German police.

They found that the police were very enthusiastic. They began to seek their own interests on it. They were tired of going shopping.

They went to the police station and said, "Chinese people say that in their minds, they don't know from which paper to take out a piece of paper with an address. What kind of car will drive them to the first floor? This is the money left The police are also smart people. As time goes on, they understand the tiredness of Chinese tourists from the bottom of their hearts.

There is a general concept in their hearts that all Chinese people have no sense of shame. Poor wretches, it's just a pity that we Chinese Americans have seen a group of children in the amut park. The sign says, "the community is my home, just clean it up" I think the responsibility of these children may be more basic virtue than that of the so-called overseas Chinese.

Only on the basis of responsibility can other things be stabilized.




What is honesty? Honesty is to tell the truth and act fairly. It is regarded as a virtue. However, honesty is respected in every country and culture.

There are still some dishonest people in the world. Some people want to take advantage of others whenever possible. Some businessmen are not always honest in trading.

Some students are caught cheating in exams and are punished to leave school Some newspapers publish some untrue news in order to attract more readers. Dishonesty is usually regarded as a kind of crime and desed and condemned by the society. But to be an honest person, we can get a lot of benefits first.

We can live a peaceful life, because we don't have to bear the heavy burden, remember every lie we said, and be an honest person, We can be trusted by others and have more friends. I believe honesty is a virtue. It is the only key to success in our career and life.

So let's be honest and make the world more beautiful|.





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