
时间:2023-05-24 12:11:18 来源: 作者:
前言: 关于”描述律师“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Describe the lawyer。以下是关于描述律师的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。


关于”描述律师“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Describe the lawyer。以下是关于描述律师的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

关于”描述律师“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Describe the lawyer。以下是关于描述律师的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Describe the lawyer

People do behave differently, depending on what they wear. The reason is not because they have changed, but because people's reaction to them has changed. Some clothes are appropriate in some cases.

Men can wear suits to work, while women can wear professional clothes that look like skirts and jackets, and everyone wears the same clothes. No problem, just like uniforms. Imagine going to a law firm and hiring a lawyer to wear them In a suit, another in jeans, which lawyer do you want to hire, a mechanic working in a car all day, wearing dirty clothes.

If a mechanic wears a coat and tie to fix it, it's strange. People will have different attitudes towards you according to what you wear. If your clothes are not suitable for this situation, it depends on how well they know you and where you are, and they may not respect you.

I remember one time I had an old army coat that I wore to a fancy candy store to buy chocolate. The woman was suspicious and worried. I couldn't understand her reaction, because under my big, ugly green coat, I wore it Being like a tramp makes the salesperson react negatively, so I'm more polite than usual.

This experience has taught me that sometimes I do behave differently because of what I wear. In this case, I have to keep my appearance balanced, which doesn't mean I dress up rudely.






A well-dressed, well-dressed lawyer called a plumber to repair his flooded bathroom when the plumber arrived. He wore an extra overalls and took off his hat with a blue collar on the brim. The well-dressed and expensive lawyer gave a condescending smile and said, "are you usually interested?" The plumber just smiles when he's done.

The plumber gives him the bill and tells him he has to get some more equipment from the truck. He explained that because of all the work, he needed a new istant and was understaffed. He asked the lawyer if he knew that a friend needed the job.

The lawyer raised his eyebrows and pointed to his suit, ss and office. I looked like someone who would find a plumber for a friend. You're right.

A senior white-collar like you will never know a plumber. He said the plumber was sorry that I had a high standard and asked the upper lawyer to check his ss to make sure that the gloss was still perfect When the plumber came back, he tied his tie carefully. He walked into the law firm, and in the dustbin were lawyers' brand new mirror polished $Brooks brothers Capote business ss, black stockings rolled up and tucked neatly on the floor were $Armani pinstriped suits sewn by lawyers, wearing Paisley's braces, neat Hermes silk ties and matching pockets, Square Gold cufflinks, tar white shirts and ties and Rolex.

His law degrees and briefcases were also stacked nearby. The plumber went in. The first one was a lawyer barefoot under the sink.

The plumber tapped on the soles of the lawyers' feet. The lawyer looked out. He had a hundred story haircut on his head and was sweating.

He pointed to the bill and said you found your istant.



他解释说,由于所有的工作,他需要一个新的助手,而且人手不足。他问律师是否知道有朋友需要这份工作律师扬起眉毛,然后指着他的西装鞋子和办公室我看起来像是一个会给朋友找个水管工的人你是对的一个像你这样的高级白领永远不会认识水管工说水管工很抱歉在我有高标准要求上层律师检查他的鞋子以确保其光泽仍然完美水管工回来后,小心地把领带结系紧。他走进律师事务所,垃圾桶里放着律师们崭新的镜面抛光的$Brooks Brothers capote商务鞋,黑色丝袜卷起整齐地塞在地板上,是律师亲手缝制的$Armani细条纹西装穿着佩斯利的背带,穿着整洁的爱马仕丝绸领带和配套的口袋方形的金色袖扣柏油白衬衫领带和劳力士他的法学学位和公文包也堆在旁边。



The law describes constraints. Their purpose is to control, not to create "Tom Robbins". If there is another way out, litigation will only make lawyers fat.

One of the biggest illusions in the world is to hope that the evil in the world can be cured by legislation Thomas B reed B When Mr. justice is a consultant, Mr. justice will not take less money for anything he does.

If he doesn't do anything he doesn't want to do - if he is willing to - among lawyers, moderatis is disgraceamong lawyers; Jeremy Bentham ԡ ԡ I feel ashamed that the law is such a stupid fool George Chapman George Chapman legal laymen and lawyers are very interested in legal laymen and lawyers Baron balver 13 13 ԡ 13 13 13 13 I feel ashamed that the law is such a fool George Chapman legal laymen legal laymen and lawyers are very interested he Jeremy Jeremy Jeremy Jeremy Jeremy I'm ashamed an English lawyer wants to see himself as part of this mysterious entity. An American lawyer wants a swimming l and two houses, a man without money, and doesn't have to be afraid of a bunch of lawyers, not a bunch of pickpockets. Remember that law and reason are not always the most important.

Likewise, Jawaharlal Nehru allows for limited misrepresentation, even in the hands of lawyers. I regret to find that the law cannot enforce the most basic principles of business ethics.


法律描述了约束,它们的目的是控制,而不是创造“汤姆·罗宾斯(Tom Robbins),如果有别的出路,诉讼只会让律师发胖,世界上最大的错觉之一就是希望世界上的可以通过立法来治愈 托马斯·B·里德(Thomas B Reed) B Justice先生做顾问的时候,他做任何事都不会少拿一块钱,如果他不做任何他不想做的事——如果他愿意的话——在律师中,适度是可耻的;杰里米·边沁 我感到羞耻的是法律是这样一个蠢货 乔治·查普曼 法律对外行人和律师都很有兴趣 巴尔弗勋爵 杰里米 杰里米 我感到羞耻一位英国律师想把自己看作是这个神秘实体的一部分美国律师想要一个游泳池和两栋房子,一个没有钱的人,不需要害怕一群律师,而不是一群扒手。请记住,法律和理智并不总是最重要的同样,贾瓦哈拉尔·尼赫鲁(Jawaharlal Nehru)允许的虚假陈述也有限制,即使是在律师手中也是如此。我很遗憾地发现,法律无力执行最基本的商业道德原则。



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