
时间:2023-05-24 02:52:26 来源: 作者:
前言: 关于”虚荣心“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:vanity。以下是关于虚荣心的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。





Fashion clothes I think sports ss, jeans and pullovers are very popular now. Sports ss are the favorite of young people. I think sports ss are beautiful and comfortable.

If they are made of leather, maybe we can jump higher and her. Light blue is the best color of jeans. They're long and tight, maybe made of leather or cotton.

They are beautiful. I think the pullover is made of cotton. It's a little big, so we do some sports.

I like white because it's clean and beautiful. It is not easy to answer this question, "what is fashion?" because it means different things to different people. Fashion is an art, a religion, a work, a peep at personality, a kind of play, a kind of escape or disguise, and a kind of visual feast.

But in the end, fashion is every American and French fashion designer Coco Chanel Chanel) once said, "fashion is not only in clothes, but also in the sky and on the street. Fashion is related to our thoughts, our lifestyle and what is happening." real fashion is not only determined by our clothing choices, but also conveyed by the way we carry them. Our personality and our most basic to the world are conveyed Ben's view (directly from the dictionary, fashion is a popular style or custom, such as in clothing or behavior), he accurately answers the question "what is fashion", who determines what is fashion, what is not, what is external.



我想套头衫是棉的。它有点大,所以我们做一些运动我喜欢白色,因为它干净漂亮。回答这个问题不那么容易,“什么是时尚”因为它对不同的人意味着不同的东西时尚是一门艺术,是一种,是一种工作,是一种对个性的窥视,是一种嬉戏,是一种逃避或伪装,是一种视觉盛宴,但最终,时尚是每一位美法时装设计师可可·香奈尔(Coco Chanel)曾经说过的一句话,“时尚不是只存在于服装中的东西,时尚是在天空中,在大街上,时尚与思想、我们的生活方式、正在发生的事情有关”真正的时尚并不仅仅是由我们的服装选择决定的,而且还通过我们的携带方式来传达,我们的个性和我们对世界最基本的看法(直接从字典上看,时尚就是流行的风格或习俗,比如在服饰或行为中),他准确地回答了“什么是时尚”这个问题,谁决定了什么是时尚,什么不是什么,什么是外在的。


For death, people are afraid of death, just as children are afraid to walk in the dark. Children's natural fear increases with the increase of stories. The other is of course the same.

The contemplation of death, as the reward of sin and the page to another world, is sacred and religious. But as a kind of respect for nature, the fear of death is weak in religious meditation, and sometimes vanity and superstition are intertwined.




① ② Sometimes we are in joy and sometimes in sadness. Sometimes we can't distinguish happiness and sadness from happiness in the eternal nature. Happiness is the driving force to push the world forward.

Happy people have a sound mind and live a happy life. He partites in good activities and shares them with his peers Happiness, because he can say, happy people get satisfaction from being kind to others. He is often selfish.

① the desire for power increases people's sorrow. The desire for power goes hand in hand with the desire for fame and wealth. Fame and wealth are divorced from reality and become the source of sorrow.

Jealousy, revenge and vanity are also the sources of sorrow. ⑤ exist in people's imagination. ⑥ people don't know whether or not If you want to be happy, you must get rid of the pain of desire and imagination.

① selfishness a. ② imbalance [B $LNs] ③ revenge [riven DN] n. ④ vanity [v $n Ti] n.

⑤ evil [I: V L] n, and ⑥ imagination..


① ②③④⑤⑥生活中的喜怒哀乐,快乐和悲伤就像影子一样跟着我们,有时我们在欢乐中有时在悲伤中,有时我们分不清快乐和悲伤什么是永恒的大自然中的快乐,快乐是推动世界前进的动力,快乐的人有健全的头脑和生活快乐的生活他参加良好的活动,与同伴分享快乐,因为他可以说,快乐的人从善待他人中得到满足,他常常自私自利①对权力的渴求增加了人的悲哀,对权力的渴望与对名利的渴望是并行不悖的名利与现实脱节,成为悲哀的根源,嫉妒,复仇③和虚荣心④也是悲伤的源泉⑤存在于人的想象中⑥人们在不知不觉中遭受着痛苦,要想快乐,就必须摆脱欲望和想象的痛苦①自私自利a.②失衡[b$l ns]③复仇[rivenDN]n.④虚荣心[v$n ti]n.⑤[i:v l]n、 ⑥想象力。



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