
时间:2023-05-20 16:08:41 来源: 作者:
前言: 关于”污染“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:contaminated。以下是关于污染的高二英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。





What kind of pollution can do harm to the environment in our daily life. What kind of pollution do you think we should do to improve our environment? What have we done to solve these problems? No spitting on the ground, no smoking in public places, no smoking in public places, no smoking in public places, no chopping and chopping Cut and throw waste batteries, don't litter, love trees and flowers, love animals, save water, keep away from the gr, put different garbage into different dustbins, stop pouring waste water into rivers and lakes, put waste paper in wastepaper basket for recycling, throw garbage into garbage can pollution is a word "dirty" pollution refers to things dirty or unfit for use today, our earth It has been seriously polluted and polluted for a long time. People began to pollute the earth from the first time they made a fire, washed clothes in the river, and threw rubbish on the ground.

The water became thinner and the water became dirty. People moved to another place first. The problem was not so serious because there was a lot of clean air, land and water there.

At that time, there were not many people. Their demand was very small The dirty things can be absorbed naturally and will be recycled soon, but this is no longer the fact. The growth of population and the development of industry have changed what we know.

Many people are slowly poisoning the environment. Environmental pollution has caused great harm to human health, happiness and life, which must be paid attention to. Now more and more people are aware of the seriousness of the problem.

Our government is doing its best to fight against pollution. We have done a lot of work, but we still have a long way to go. We must continue to fight until the environment is improved and rid of pollution.

We are confident that we will win the battle.




With the production of millions of new cars, the number of cars on the road is increasing every year. One in six Americans is engaged in manufacturing cars, driving trucks, repairing roads or filling gas. Americans can't live without a car.

Most Americans will find it hard to imagine life without a car. However, some people have realized that serious problems are caused by cars Air pollution problem polluted air becomes poisonous and harmful to health one way to eliminate polluted air is to make a car without pollution, but it is easier said than done to make a clean car; progress in this field is slow; another way is to replace automobile engine cars and electric vehicles with steam that inventors are now studying It takes years to develop a practical car model for us. In order to prevent the world from being polluted by cars, we must change our lives.

For example, Americans must reduce the total number of cars and encourage them to use bicycles. People think that it helps to keep the air clean, but this change has not come easily. If a car factory closes down, many workers may Unemployment, so the problem of air pollution is less important than unemployment.

Although cars make us live a better life, they also bring us new problems.


汽车污染随着数百万辆新车的生产,每年上路的汽车数量都在增加,每六个美国人中就有一个从事制造汽车、驾驶卡车、修路或加油的工作美国人没有汽车是无法生活的 大多数美国人会发现很难想象没有汽车的生活,然而有些人已经意识到了严重的问题汽车引起的空气污染问题被污染的空气变得有毒和对健康有害‰消除污染空气的一种方法是制造一辆没有污染的汽车,但是制造一辆干净的汽车说起来容易做起来难;在这一领域进展缓慢;另一种方法是用发明家现在正在研究的蒸汽替代汽车发动机汽车和电动汽车许多制造商认为,为我们开发出一种实用的车型需要数年的时间;为了防止世界被汽车污染,我们必须改变我们的生活,例如,美国人必须减少汽车的总量,鼓励他们使用自行车,人们认为这有助于保持空气清洁,但这种变化来之不易,如果一家汽车厂倒闭,许多工人可能会失业,因此空气污染的问题就比失业问题不那么重要了尽管汽车使我们过上了更好的生活,但也给我们带来了新的问题。


The rivers near our city have been seriously polluted recently. The clear water has disappeared. There used to be a lot of fish swimming freely in the river.

Now many factories in the city dump garbage into the river. Day after day, the once beautiful river has become a smelly and dirty garbage can.





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