
时间:2023-05-20 13:15:17 来源: 作者:
前言: 关于”感谢“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:thank。以下是关于感谢的初中英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。





When we are in school, our life is full of competition. We always want to be the best students and win the praise of teachers in our work. We not only have to compete with colleagues, but also need to beat other companies to make more profits.

Compes are everywhere, which helps us become stronger when we compete with our compes. The knowledge we gain is the winner, and we will be motivated To improve ourselves so that we can have an advantage over others. It is not good for people to lack compes, because a comfortable environment will make us lose the motivation to move forward.

A good opponent can also be our friends in the process of competition. For example, in a debate, when both sides have different opinions and defend their own views, if the opponent breaks the embarring situation with a smile and humor, Show that it's a good conversation, then you won't lose your temper, it's learning, it's easy to relate to personal emotions, we should be grateful to our opponents, because we need to keep improving or we will be kicked out.




Dear Sir or Madam, thank you for taking the time to read my letter when the Beijing Olympic Games is coming. I am very willing to be a volunteer. First of all, we Chinese are the host of this special event.

I promise that I will try my best to serve our distinguished guests and athletes from all over the world with a warm attitude. I have a rich understanding of Chinese history, so I am not only the servant of our splendid culture, but also the carrier of our splendid culture. We all know that English is an international language, It will play an important role in the communication during the Olympic Games.

I am good at expressing myself fluently and clearly in English. I believe I can become a qualified volunteer. I will cherish it and try my best.

If I can be accepted as a member of you, Li Hua.




Mrs. Baker, on behalf of my colleagues and myself, I am writing to you to express our most sincere sympathy. At this sad moment, Mr.

Baker, who ped away, is a business giant in the business community. We respect him very much because he is a man of wisdom and credibility. Please accept our deepest sympathy and sincerely express our sympathy to your family 2Dear staff: Thank you for your letter and the time you attended my husband's funeral.

I'm glad to know that my husband has been loved, respected and trusted by so many people. I'm very proud of him. He enjoys and devotes himself to the prosperity of his company.

Thank you for asking me Comfort, although my husband's time is not mature, but I believe that he has completed his life with so many good friends and is very satisfied. Thank you, Mona Baker.


1贝克夫人,我谨代表我的同事和我本人写信给你,以表示我们最诚挚的同情,在此悲痛的时刻,贝克先生,去世的贝克先生是商界的商业巨擘,我们非常敬重他,因为他是一个有智慧和信誉的人,请接受我们最深切的同情,并真诚地向您的家人表示慰问,CW公司CW 2Dear工作人员:谢谢感谢您的来信和您参加我丈夫葬礼的时间,我很高兴知道我的丈夫受到了这么多人的爱戴、尊敬和信赖,我感到非常自豪,他享受并献身于他所属公司的繁荣,谢谢您谨致问候,莫娜·贝克•3戴工作人员:谢谢收到你的来信,你真诚的同情使我感到安慰,虽然我丈夫的时间还不成熟,但我相信他在有这么多好朋友的陪伴下完成了他的一生,非常满意。谢谢你,莫娜·贝克。



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