
时间:2023-05-18 15:37:26 来源: 作者:
前言: 关于”抗生素的医学“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Antibiotic medicine。以下是关于抗生素的医学的考研英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。


关于”抗生素的医学“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Antibiotic medicine。以下是关于抗生素的医学的考研英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

关于”抗生素的医学“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Antibiotic medicine。以下是关于抗生素的医学的考研英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Antibiotic medicine

On the day of Frankie's operation, surgeon Dr. Gregory zolton told Joan, "you have to be with me when I do the operation. I need help to turn my stomach upside down, but during the two-hour operation, Dr.

zolton took a bone from Frankie's shoulder, made a graft between the fractures, and fixed it with a steel plate." he said one leg wasn't strong enough It's not good for the deer to run hard. " After the operation, Joan recalled, they took Frankie to a stable in Glen Gardner and sat on the straw next to the recovered deer. He stroked Frankie's head, and when the deer struggled to get up, he held him until the sun came out.

Up Jean took his stiff bones home to clean them up and went to work on the seventh day. Jean called Dr. zolton and said it was impossible to get Frankie to inject antibiotics without moving.

The surgeon laughed and said, "if Frankie was so lively, he wouldn't need antibiotics," but he warned that if Frankie had a previous leg injury, he would have to stay in for eight weeks. "Whenever someone visited him, Frankie showed how eager he was to get out," Joan recalled. "He stood there, his nose against the crack in the door and smelled spring ・”.


弗兰基手术那天,外科医生格雷戈里·佐尔顿医生告诉琼:“我做手术的时候你得陪着我,我需要帮助让的胃翻了个跟头,但在两个小时的手术中,佐尔顿医生从弗兰基的肩上取下骨头,在骨折之间做了一个移植物,然后用一块钢板把它固定住“他说一条腿不够强壮跑不动对鹿没什么好处。”手术后,琼回忆道,他们把弗兰基带到格伦·加德纳的一个马厩里,琼坐在康复的鹿旁边的稻草上。他着弗兰基的头,每当鹿挣扎着站起来时,他就抱着他,直到太阳快出来的时候up Jean带着自己的僵硬的骨头回家清理干净,第七天就去上班了。



The treatment efficiency and key parameters of SBR electrocatalysis and SBR electrocatalysis were studied. The results show that SBR process has many advantages over other anaerobic and aerobic methods. The parameters of process optimization are: limited aeration for 8 hours in a cycle, dissolved oxygen pH = SBR system operates in this state, and has significant treatment effect.




I'm not very well, but I don't know what's wrong. I feel a little weak and sometimes shivering with cold. I think I must have a cold.

I began to cough, and the cough became more and more serious. Finally, I coughed a lot of catarrh. Finally, I couldn't stand it.

After the examination, I went to see a doctor. The doctor diagnosed me with bronchitis, which is a serious disease. He gave me a strong prescription Antibiotics and an inhaler let me use it when I have a serious attack after taking my rehabilitation pills, but almost two months later, it's very slow now.

I haven't fully recovered yet, but the doctor said that the disease is very normal, so now when the weather gets cold, I have to take good care of myself. I have to wrap myself up, otherwise I will get sick again. ".





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