
时间:2023-05-17 16:36:26 来源: 作者:
前言: 关于”描写弟弟“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Describe your brother。以下是关于描写弟弟的雅思英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。


关于”描写弟弟“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Describe your brother。以下是关于描写弟弟的雅思英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

关于”描写弟弟“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Describe your brother。以下是关于描写弟弟的雅思英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Describe your brother

Why long ago, the sea was salt. There were two brothers. The elder brother was very rich and successful, but despicable and arrogant.

The younger brother was very r, but kind and generous. One day, the r brother and his wife found that they had nothing to eat at home. They also had no money and nothing to sell, which made things worse.

The next day was a holiday. It was a day of celebration Tomorrow is a holiday. How do we celebrate it? '"ask the r brother's wife and cry and say," r brother is in a don't know what to do' go to your brother, and ask him for help, "suggest the r wife say, 'he killed a cow yesterday, I saw him, he will not grudge our little meat for the festival'" the r man sighed, saying that he did not like to his brother He asked for help because he knew how mean and selfish his brother was, but the next day was a holiday.

He really couldn't think of any other way to eat. So the r man put on his ragged cloak and went to his rich brother's house. "What do you want to do?" The rich man's wife saw him and asked, "Why are you here?" The rich man is busy with the party tomorrow.

We are not ready for the holiday "Brother," said the r man, "we don't have anything to eat at home, and we haven't eaten for the holidays. Lend me some meat so that my wife and I can celebrate.".




A friend of mine named Paul received a car from his brother as a Christmas present on Christmas Eve. When Paul came out of the office, a street urchin was walking around the shiny new car, praising it, "is this your car, sir?" he said Paul nodded, "my brother gave me a Christmas gift." the boy was surprised. "You mean your brother gave it to you, and it didn't cost you anything, kid, I hope," he hesitated, when But Paul knew he would want him to have a brother like that, but the boy's words made Paul uneasy all the way to his feet.

"I hope," the boy continued, "I can be that brother," Paul looked at the boy in surprise, and then impulsively said, "would you like to take a ride in my car?" "Oh, yes, I love it." After a short journey, the boy turned his head, his eyes red and said, "would you mind driving to my door, sir?" Paul smiles. He thinks he knows what the child wants. He wants his neighbors to know that he can go home in a big car, but Paul is wrong again.

"Can you stop at those two steps?" The boy asked him. After a while, Paul heard that he was coming back, but he didn't come fast. He held his lame brother and sat him on the bottom step.

Then he squeezed on him, pointed to the car and said, "she's there, man. As I told you, his brother gave him at Christmas. He didn't spend a cent.

One day I'll give you one like this I always want to tell you that "Paul got out of the car, carried the child to the front seat of the car, and his bright eyed brother climbed up to him. The three of them started an unforgettable holiday trip on Christmas Eve. Paul understood what Jesus meant and said," charity is more blessed.





Herbert and James's two brothers live with their mother. A cat named Edgar James loved the cat very much. When he had to leave town for a few days, he left Herbert with detailed instructions on how to take care of the pet.

James called his brother. "How's Edgar?" "Edgar is dead." Herbert replied, pausing for a moment. James said, "Herbert, you are not sensitive.

You know how close I am to Edgar. You should tell me the news slowly. When I ask about Edgar, you should say, 'Edgar is on the roof, but I'll call the fire department to get him down.' when I call you tomorrow, you may say that firefighters are hard to find When Edgar falls down, but you hope they will succeed, when I call you the third time, you can tell me that the firemen have tried their best, but unfortunately Edgar fell off the roof and was at the vet's.

When I called the last time, you could say that, despite everything possible for Edgar, he was dead. A sensitive man would tell me about Edgar and oh, before I forget, "James added," how's mom? "" Oh, "Herbert pauses," she's on the roof. ".






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