
时间:2023-05-17 15:12:58 来源: 作者:
前言: 关于”介绍牛顿一生“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Introduction to Newton's life。以下是关于介绍牛顿一生的托福英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。


关于”介绍牛顿一生“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Introduction to Newton's life。以下是关于介绍牛顿一生的托福英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

关于”介绍牛顿一生“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Introduction to Newton's life。以下是关于介绍牛顿一生的托福英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Introduction to Newton's life

Born in a small village in England, Newton entered school when he was a few years old. At first, he was only interested in mathematics. Later, he studied hard.

Finally, he entered the University of Cambridge at the top of his cl. After careful training by a good teacher, he made great progress in his studies. He graduated from Cambridge University in, and was appointed professor of mathematics at Cambridge University.

He died in London.




The great British physicist, mathematician and astronomer Brian spacez said: "Newton founded astronomy because he discovered the theory of gravitation, established scientific optics by yzing light, established scientific mathematics by establishing binomial equation axiom and infinite theory, and established scientific mechanics because he realized the human nature of mechanics." really, Newton Jiang Newton, who has made a fundamental contribution in the field of natural science, was born into a peasant family in Lincolnshire, England. He graduated from Cambridge University, especially from Ni Di school. At this time, Newton came home to avoid epidemic diseases.

He was ill for two years. During this period, he almost considered all aspects of his life's study, especially several major accidents from cradle to grave: gravitational theory, clical mechanics, calculus and optics. Newton discovered the theory of gravity and established clical mechanics.

He calculated the largest ephemeris motion in the universe by formula, and thus his son's smallest particle motion became clear All sports, no matter what, happen for no reason. They are a series of phenomena with long cause and effect chains. One of the links is that it can accurately describe people's ideas of breaking the world dominated by the whole people for thousands of years.

He began to believe that nothing in his theory could not be accurately understood by intelligence. Newton's greater contribution made people start from then on He believed that science Newton was far more than the wise science giant at that time. He was so obsessed with the pursuit of truth that all his theoretical achievements were revealed to the public under the sincere urging of others, and said that creation was Newton's greatest pleasure.


英国伟大的物理学家、数学家、天文学家布恩空间斯说:“牛顿因为发现引力理论而创立了天文学,因为进行了光的解析而建立了科学的光学,因为建立了二项式方程公理和无限理论而建立了科学数学,建立科学的力学是因为认识到了力学的人的本性“真的,牛顿在自然科学领域作出奠基性贡献,被评为科学巨子JiangNewton出生于英国林肯郡的一个农民家庭,诺森特考试剑桥大学尤其是Ni Di一所学校,毕业于此时正是瘟疫,牛顿回家躲避流行病。病了两年,这段时间几乎考虑到了他一生中各个方面的学习,尤其是他从摇篮到坟墓的几次重大事故伤口:引力理论,经典力学、微积分和光学牛顿发现了引力理论,建立了经典力学,他用公式算出了宇宙中最大的星历运动而儿子的最小颗粒运动就这样成了清除:全部无论什么体育运动都是无缘无故发生的,都是一系列因果链长而长的一个现象,其中的一个环节,是能够准确描述人们打破千年来万众一心统治世界的几种思想,开始相信在他的理论中没有任何东西是不能被智力所准确认识的,牛顿更大的贡献使人们从此开始相信科学牛顿远远超过了当年的智慧科学巨人,他对真理的追求是如此的痴迷,至于他所有的理论成果,都是在别人真诚的催促下向公众揭示的,并说创造是牛顿最大的乐趣。


The great British physicist, mathematician and astronomer Brian spacez said: "Newton founded astronomy because he discovered the theory of gravitation, established scientific optics by yzing light, established scientific mathematics by establishing binomial equation axiom and infinite theory, and established scientific mechanics because he realized the human nature of mechanics." really, Newton Jiang Newton, who has made a fundamental contribution in the field of natural science, was born into a peasant family in Lincolnshire, England. He graduated from Cambridge University, especially from Ni Di school. At this time, Newton came home to avoid epidemic diseases.

He was ill for two years. During this period, he considered almost all aspects of his life's study, especially several major accidents from cradle to grave: gravitational theory, clical mechanics, calculus and optics. Newton discovered the theory of gravity and established clical mechanics.

He unified the largest ephemeris motion and the smallest particle motion in the universe into the universe by using a formula: all: all No matter what sports happen for no reason, it is a phenomenon with a series of long causal chains. In a link, it can accurately describe the idea that people will break the number. For thousands of years, absolute living beings have ruled the world, and they began to believe that nothing can not be accurately understood by wisdom.

Newton's greater contribution makes people believe that science Newton is far higher In those days, the giant of wisdom and science, he was so obsessed with the pursuit of truth that all his theoretical achievements were revealed to the public under the sincere urging of others, and said that creation was Newton's greatest pleasure.


英国伟大的物理学家、数学家、天文学家布恩空间斯说:“牛顿因为发现引力理论而创立了天文学,因为进行了光的解析而建立了科学的光学,因为建立了二项式方程公理和无限理论而建立了科学数学,建立科学的力学是因为认识到了力学的人的本性“真的,牛顿在自然科学领域作出奠基性贡献,被评为科学巨子JiangNewton出生于英国林肯郡的一个农民家庭,诺森特考试剑桥大学尤其是Ni Di一所学校,毕业于此时正是瘟疫,牛顿回家躲避流行病。病了两年,这段时间几乎考虑到了他一生中各个方面的学习,尤其是他从摇篮到坟墓的几次重大事故伤口:引力理论,经典力学、微积分和光学牛顿发现了引力理论,建立了经典力学,他用一个公式把宇宙中最大的星历运动和最小的子粒运动统一成宇宙清除:全部无论什么体育运动都是无缘无故发生的,都是一系列因果链长而长的一个现象,一个环节内,都是能准确描述人们意志断数的思想千年来绝对的众生统治世界,开始相信没有任何东西是不能被智慧所准确认识的,牛顿更大的贡献使人们从此开始相信科学牛顿远远高于当年的智慧科学巨人,他对真理的追求是如此的痴迷,至于他所有的理论成果,都是在别人真诚的催促下向公众揭示的,并说创造是牛顿最大的乐趣。



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