
时间:2023-05-17 08:10:52 来源: 作者:
前言: 关于”稳定工作“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Stable work。以下是关于稳定工作的雅思英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。


关于”稳定工作“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Stable work。以下是关于稳定工作的雅思英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

关于”稳定工作“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Stable work。以下是关于稳定工作的雅思英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Stable work

Tasks some people say job satisfaction is more important than job safety. Some people think that people can't always enjoy their jobs, so it's more important to have a permanent job. When it comes to job hunting, discuss two views and give their own sample answers.

Some people think that the self achievement brought by work is more important than stability, but others think that it is more important to have a stable job than to get happiness from it. On the one hand, for people who have worked for several decades, job satisfaction can not be ignored, and wages may not be so important It's usually the case for them. Comparatively speaking, spiritual motivation may be a better motivation for them.

Especially for some successful elites, their goal may not be to make more money, but to bring some changes to the world. For example, Steve Jobs did on Apple products. The breakthrough feeling is that many successful men continue their career development On the other hand, stability is also a key factor for many employees nowadays.

Some companies suddenly go bankrupt and their employees are unemployed. This is a very common phenomenon, because these unemployed workers may not be able to afford their living expenses. This is why many graduates plan to choose stable jobs, such as government officials, because they do not have too much work pressure, Their salary is fixed, so finding a fixed job can ensure that everyone has a stable salary.

At least from my personal point of view, people's choice of a stable job or a satisfactory job depends largely on their personality. If people are ambitious, the uncertainty and challenges of a job are their preference, because they can learn from them Get happiness and realize yourself in what you strive for. However, for those who want to live a peaceful life, a stable job may be more suitable for what they say) panda writing.




The impact of the global financial crisis is becoming more and more serious, and the impact on China's economy is also expanding. It even spreads from the news to all aspects of society, such as manufacturing, energy, food, Italian food, etc. many international companies have gone bankrupt, and more companies have begun to lay off staff, and the original recruitment plans around us have been cancelled.

Many people can not find jobs. This is a global event In the face of the crisis, no one can ignore it. We can only help.

Nothing has two sides. The financial crisis also makes investors pay attention to the long-term growth prospects. For example, in the field of new energy, it also provides opportunities for China to increase investment in new energy.

We will use their wisdom and potential to find ways to overcome the crisis, which is to minimize risks The only way to survive this crisis is to be safe and sound.




People have different expectations for their jobs. Some people prefer to do the same job for the same company. Some people don't often change jobs, which is favorable or unfavorable.

People seldom reach an absolute consensus on a controversial issue, that is, whether a person should engage in a lifelong career. In a sense, few people are willing to hold a certain position all the time. The career of a lifetime has its own first Advantages: if you insist on doing a position, all aspects of the job will appear after a period of time.

You must have a good grasp of it, so that you can become an old hand in this field, and then win the respect or prestige of others. You can establish a wide range of social contacts in this field, and help yoemove the obstacles that hinder your work. Finally, as you have learned a lesson, mistakes in daily work will be reduced to the minimum.

However, with the development of modern society, going through different jobs has its advantages at first. From our point of view, many senior employees tend to accept bribes through their power. However, if they know that others will soon take their place, such behavior can be avoided。Then let's take a look at the work motivation.

If a person has been working in the same company for a long time without promotion, he may be tired of doing the same daily work. However, a manager should have a sense of teamwork and coordination ability. Therefore, trying different positions can help you get promotion opportunities.

Summary: if you work in the same position, you can cultivate one A person who is competent for the job, but can make people engage in boring jobs. Changing jobs frequently can not only avoid bribery, but also give people more opportunities for promotion. I think that mistakes occasionally will also bring adverse effects.

People should find a decent and well paid job instead of paying attention to changing it.





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