
时间:2023-05-15 18:19:14 来源: 作者:
前言: 关于”反讽“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:irony。以下是关于反讽的小升初英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。





Satirically satirically satirized mespeak's entry into the gene l, while the lifeguard did not observe the intelligence quotient at room temperature. During the evolution of his ancestors in the control group, he had two brains, one lost, the other looked outside. If he was any more stupid, he would be watered twice a week.

Some knowledge of the spring of drink, but he just gargle. He spent an hour and a half watching every minute. He set very low personal standards, and they never come true.

If you give him the idea of a penny, you will get change.


satiresarcasmsatirizemockmake a cracksacrasticcafe4be5besarcasticsatricalsatirization他用讽刺的语气讽刺meSpeak进入基因库,而救生员没有观察室温下的智商进化过程中,他的祖先在控制组,他有两个大脑,一个失去了,另一个在外面寻找,如果他再蠢的话,他每周要被浇两次水。一些知识之泉的饮料,但他只是漱口。他花了一个半小时观察每一分钟。



Satire and pity the more I think about the problems in our lives, the more I believe that we should choose Irony and compion as our evaluation and judge, just as the ancient Egyptians called on the goddess Isis and the goddess nevus to represent their death. Satire and pity are good advice. The first one makes life happy with her smile, the other sanctifies it with her tears It is not a cruel God.

She does not laugh at love or beauty. She is gentle and amiable. Her laughter disarms her.

She teaches us to laugh at hooligans and fools. Without her, we may be weak enough to dese and hate them.




Generally speaking, as long as this sentence is uttered, there is basically nothing good about it, so maybe if you disagree, your TA adds a gesture, not to mention the irony that you appreciate the help appropriately / it really helps: Thank you for your help. Practical meaning: you got nuthin, No Help, no problem, still trouble how to satirize: if you know that you are not so busy as to help or even cause trouble to people, I'll bet cool / great / terrible / cute literal meaning: great practical meaning: it can't find a word to evaluate how to satirize: if you see TA hesitant for a moment and then say the above sentence, I can't think of a word like this What do you mean by SMS? I really don't know how to take your time. Literal meaning: don't worry about the actual meaning: don't be conventional.

How ironic: believe me, as long as someone says this word, it's all sarcastic. Literal meaning of good luck: I want to play games, waiting to see how you play sarcasm: if you put pressure ahead, it's very common If you put the accent on it, ironically, you don't run according to the literal meaning: interesting practical meaning: bored to death how ironic: the more exaggerated facial expression said this sentence, the more ironic funny literal meaning: funny practical idea: really cold.





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