
时间:2023-05-15 09:13:02 来源: 作者:
前言: 关于”简单的幸福的英式“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Simple and happy English。以下是关于简单的幸福的英式的小学英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。


关于”简单的幸福的英式“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Simple and happy English。以下是关于简单的幸福的英式的小学英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

关于”简单的幸福的英式“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Simple and happy English。以下是关于简单的幸福的英式的小学英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Simple and happy English

What is happiness? Many people ask what happiness is. I don't know why so many people ask this question, because I think happiness is very simple for me. When I do well in my study, I will feel happy.

Teachers praise me, my parents are also very happy, or when I help others, I feel proud of myself, and my clmates or friends Play is happy, we always have a good time together, they are happy.




What is happiness? Many people ask what happiness is. I don't know why so many people like this question, because I think happiness is very simple for me. When I get good grades, I will be happy.

My teachers praise me, my parents are also very happy, or when I help others, I feel proud of myself, together with my clmates or friends Play is happy, we always have a good time from top to bottom, they are happy.




When we have a beautiful dream but choose to wait, when we stand in the broad night but pretend to be strong, when we hold a good hand but hidden in the heart, no one will and can not tell us what happiness is when I was a child, I thought that growing up should be happiness, I think happiness should be happiness. Now I find happiness is very easy. As long as you can always be with your family and friends, I used to be confused and even didn't believe that friendship is ostentatious and immaterial, until one day, when I met a person who cheated me, they were by my side when they were in need I feel very happy and owe them a lot of gratitude.

At present, I am very satisfied with their kindness to my family. I can only say I am sorry, because I seem to take their help for granted. When I face their support, I should at least say thank you to them.

I should study harder and live up to their expectations. What I said is that we should cherish every one of them With us together, this kind of happiness is absolutely worth us to grasp.


当我们拥有美丽的梦想却选择等待,当我们站在宽阔的夜晚却假装坚强,当我们握着美好的手却暗藏在心里,没有人会也无法告诉我们幸福是什么 当我还是个孩子的时候,我觉得长大了应该是幸福,我认为快乐应该是幸福现在我发现幸福是很容易的只要你能一直和你的家人和朋友在一起我曾经很困惑,甚至不相信友谊是炫耀和不实质的,直到有一天,当我遇到一个欺骗我的人时,他们就在我身边在需要的时候我感到很幸福,欠他们一大笔人情目前我很满足于他们对我家人的恩惠,我只能说对不起,因为我似乎认为他们的帮助是理所当然的,当我面对他们的支持时,我至少应该对他们说声谢谢,我应该更加努力地学习,不辜负他们的期望说的是,我们应该珍惜每一个和我们在一起的人,这样的幸福绝对值得我们紧紧抓住。



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