
时间:2023-05-14 12:48:56 来源: 作者:
前言: 关于”生物保护“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Biological protection。以下是关于生物保护的三年级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。


关于”生物保护“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Biological protection。以下是关于生物保护的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

关于”生物保护“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Biological protection。以下是关于生物保护的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Biological protection

Wolves are the top of the pyramid of biological life forms and play an important role in many biological life forms. They share some of their own biological systems and have the smallest biological energy. However, their role cannot be ignored.

We must protect wolves because if we kill wolves, they will destroy the ecological balance like the energy pyramid. If consumers die at the beginning, the second generation and Regional consumers will die, too.




Science and technology search for extraterrestrial life Sir Isaac Those telescopes that don't use reflection have a lens system, which Galileo first used to look at stars, but more than two centuries after Newton and Galileo, a man named Augustin Jean Fresnel's Frenchman invented a method to focus light, diffract a set of concentric rings, alternately transparent and opaque, tering and propagating light waves, so that they strengthen each other at a certain distance to form an image. These rings are called wave zone plates, and Laurent cochlin of the MIDI Pyrenees Observatory, who is a compatriot of Fresnel, thinks that the zone plates are hair Whether there is a way of life on other planets; to see oxygen in the atmosphere of another planet is a gift of biological activity, because the gas is very active and needs to be constantly updated, which almost certainly means that things like photosynthesis are going on, because there is no known abiotic process that can produce enough oxygen from ordinary substances, but here it is In an atmosphere, stars are so much brighter than the planets around them that their light will overwhelm the small amount of light reflected from the planet's suce, which is what the Fresnel telescope has, because the image of a telescope as big as a useful telescope will be a few kilometers away from the wave zone plate, so it has not been developed in the past But Dr. Kirklin is not worried because his Fresnel telescope will be in space, free from the interference of the earth's own atmosphere.

It will be able to separate images of alien planets, yze the light in their air, and examine the characteristic black lines in these spectra, which are caused by the absorption of some light by oxygen, a specific gas in the spectrum.


科学技术 寻找外星生命 寻找外星生命,艾萨克·牛顿爵士(Sir Isaac Newton)说,那些不使用反射的望远镜,它们有一套透镜系统,伽利略(Galileo)第一次采用这种方法来观察恒星,但在牛顿(Newton)和伽利略(Galileo)之后的两个多世纪后,一位名叫奥古斯丁·菲涅尔(AugustinJean Fresnel)的法国人发明了一种方法,可以用它来聚焦光线衍射一组同心环,交替透明和不透明,将散射和传播光波,使它们在一定距离之外相互加强,从而形成一个图像这些光环被称为波带板,菲涅耳的同胞,米迪比利牛斯天文台的劳伦特·科克林,认为波带板是发现其他行星上是否存在生命的方法;在另一个行星的大气中看到氧气是生物活动的一种赠品,因为这种气体非常活泼,需要不断更新,这几乎肯定意味着类似光合作用的事情在进行,因为没有一种已知的非生物过程能够从普通物质中产生足够数量的氧气,但是在这样一个大气中,恒星的亮度比环绕它们的行星要亮得多,以至于它们的光会压倒行星表面反射的少量光,而这正是菲涅耳望远镜所拥有的因为一个大到可以与一个有用的反射望远镜相媲美的望远镜所形成的图像将在离波带板几公里的地方,所以过去没有开发出这种技术,但科克林博士并不担心,因为他的菲涅耳望远镜将在太空中,不受地球自身大气层的干扰,它将能够分离外星行星的图像,对其空气中的光进行光谱分析,并检查这些光谱中的特征性黑线,这些黑线是由于部分光线被其中的特定气体氧吸收而引起的。


The Dragon represents the image of China, but in western countries, the dragon is not a good thing. If we give them our national treasure, the world's most humble animal panda, they will immediately fall in love with it. No one can resist the charm of the panda.

Foreigners are so obsessed with the panda. Many foreign countries have made great efforts to rent giant pandas, for example, the Netherlands Recently, they rented two giant pandas. This is the first time that they have obtained giant pandas.

Their zoo manager has talked with the Chinese Giant Panda Breeding Center for several years and has been to China several times. During this period, the three prime ministers finally talked with the Chinese government. The agreement was that people who arrived in the Netherlands held a grand celebration.

Dutch officials built a magnificent residential area for the two giant pandas, They designed it as a Chinese way of life, and even hired Chinese workers to do the work they just wanted to make the panda feel at home. The local people formed a huge group to welcome the giant panda. There is no doubt that the panda is popular with the world.





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